What we need from you
Address/Location where you shot the deer and what time we should meet you there. We can fly day or night. Google Maps & Apple Maps pins are very useful.
How long since you shot the deer and the details of the shot (good blood trail, bow or gun, etc…) Chances of recovery are silm after 2 days.
Phone number to reach you at.
What you can expect
Our thermal drone can fly day or night. Sometimes nighttime is even easier.
Most fatal shots deer will not travel much over half a mile.
If there is not much blood or the deer is only slightly wounded, recovery chances are slim.
The less tree cover the better. Our thermal camera can see through canopy’s but its more difficult in early season before leaves start to drop.
DISCLAIMER: We do carcass recovery only! It is not legal to hunt or pursue deer with a drone. If we find your deer is still wounded and alive, you are required to not hunt or pursue it until the following day. This will be stated in the waiver you sign.
$150 is due up front for the first hour.
$100 if we are successful in locating the carcass.
$35 per hour for travel time over 40 miles round trip.